Eyes O' Uni.

This blog contains everything that I supposed to be interesting and unique. Including hobbies. So there'll always chance for two or more articles which are really contrast to each other. In short, this blog doesn't have speciality. Sound selfish? Don't worry, I'm with pleasure gonna let everyone gimme advices and critics.

Requirements: possessing the magick reflect and thundaga
First thing first, set your gambit as following:
- Ally: any reflect
- Ally: status = reflect thundaga
Turn any magic healing gambits off.
If you have known the way to face Fafnir, then just skip to the next paragraph. After you have been well prepared, head to the Mt Bur-Omisace to start the hunt, talk to Ieeha in the second area. You need to have the Paramina Rift in heavy snow, in the Silverflow End for exact. It seems to be easier to make Paramina heavy snowed if you enter it from the Golmore Jungle. So I suggest that you do that. Make your way to the Silverflow End, the left one on the map screen.
Now the tactic begins. Cast out the magick faith (optional) followed with reflect. During the way to face Fafnir, you have to turn the gambits I mentioned above off. Just approach Fafnir when you begin to see it, keep your previous gambit turned off before you are really close to Fafnir. But WAIT, don’t stay too close to this wyrm. Try to stand on the spot which equals the maximum distance where your long range attack can reach your foe, and it’s the time for the previous gambit. If you do well, that Fafnir won’t approach your party but it gonna keep its position and begin to strike you with long range attack by using the magick shock, sleepga or silencega. But the shock is the most dominant. Remember, your party have already been supported with reflect so there is nothing you need to worry about. The damage of Fafnir’s shock can reach around 7000, so this case is the main hell of this hunt. You can be killed in one blast if you go without any tactics. Fortunately if this shock attacks Fafnir itself the number can go up to about 8000.
You have reflect on your party and have set them to cast thundaga to themselves, so your thundaga will be reflected to Fafnir three times per ally (I think it’s the most common way which has been used by many gamers to multiply attack). It means three allies will crush Fafnir nine times plus its own shock. Same as another ice type enemies, the weakness of Fafnir is thunder. The damage of Fafnir’s shock will increase as its HPs become critical, if you add faith on it the damage can touch 9999 striking itself. When I took this hunt, my party level average was about 51, and my thundaga hurted about 4000 with the full activated of any status increasing licenses. It resulted in one turn I could damage Fafnir at the number of 9 x 4000 + 8000 = 44000. It took me 8 minutes to finish this fight within that level.

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